My quest for the power 9, part 2

Just won an auction for Ancestral Recall.  I’m getting closer to the goal, and concurrently poorer. Approximate cost so far: $600. Still ~$2500 to go!

The list:

  1. Ancestral Recall
  2. Time Walk
  3. Black Lotus
  4. Mox Sapphire
  5. Mox Pearl
  6. Timetwister
  7. Mox Jet
  8. Mox Ruby
  9. Mox Emerald

Sparring kind of sucks

Why do all these people want to kick me? I don’t want to kick them. Isn’t there enough suffering in this world without people kicking each other?

I think I might be too pacifistic (read: sucks too much at sparring) to be doing Taekwondo at a college club sport level. Maybe I’m the only one who would prefer that TKD goes back to being a martial art rather than a competitive sport.

My quest for the power 9

In an effort to fulfill a childhood dream (a very expensive childhood dream), I have begun the process of finally purchasing the Magic: the Gathering power 9 cards.  So far, a Mox Pearl should be on its way here.

Still to go, in rough order of desire:

  1. Ancestral Recall
  2. Time Walk
  3. Black Lotus
  4. Mox Sapphire
  5. Mox Pearl
  6. Timetwister
  7. Mox Jet
  8. Mox Ruby
  9. Mox Emerald

I also want a Time Vault and a pony. More news to come as this situation develops. I wouldn’t say squandering money is fun, but I’m bored.