In my happy place

  • No longer breaking my back installing Ikea furniture. That ‘Jerker’ desk is heavy as hell, but oh so nice to actually use.
  • Just found out that Muriel Maffre is going to teach the intro ballet class at Stanford. I’m equally scared and excited.
  • Finally working on the fantasy basketball model again. Trying to implement the little tricks that John Chambers suggested. Programming in R is sometimes fun. Hopefully I can salvage something out of the 8th pick. Excited that the fantasy season is only 2 months away. Not so excited that people want to go to Vegas again.
  • Google Girl was back in Wednesday’s class.
  • Kelly Clarkson’s “Already Gone” was on the radio. What a great song.
  • The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and sometimes life isn’t terrible.