The Best Laid Summer Plans

My summer to-do list:

1. Interning at Climate Central this summer. I’m hoping this will be interesting and/or informative.

2. Trying out this UCSD data mining competition. My goal is to make the top 10 on one or both of the challenges. You can check me out not doing well on the leaderboard. My team name is “cardinal.” Competition ends middle of July.

3. Work on the fantasy basketball model. I’ve had a few ideas for what to do, but we’ll see how things pan out. It’ll probably be tough to get anything amazing out of it.

4. Figure out whether to apply to Ph.D. programs or not. If so, there are GREs to study for and all that crap.

5. Hopefully do some research with a professor. Will there be time to do everything? Who knows.

6. Finish reading Ulysses.

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